Trongsa Penlop Inspire Program

Tongsa Penlop Inspire Program

It is inspired people that achieve amazing results and reach new heights. Inspiration is contagious, and once enough people in our communities are infected, they continue to inspire each other to achieve even better results.

Tongsa Penlop Inspire Program is a repurposed Drukair educational outreach initiative of the erstwhile ‘Tongsa Penlop Rolling Trophy’ annual golf tournament. It aims to provide enriching experiences for the less privileged students and teachers identified from remote schools across Bhutan and to inspire them through sponsored excursion to a select Drukair destination during their school holidays.

An opportunity to travel abroad and to get to see the world differently will inspire less privileged students for life. This simple yet powerful belief is what drives the Tongsa Penlop Inspire Program.

- Hon’ble Yab Dhondup Gyaltshen, Founder

How can you help?

Simply by agreeing to donate an amount, you can make a lasting difference in the lives of the less privileged students and teachers from remote schools across Bhutan.

And for every dollar donated, Drukair will match it on a dollar-for-dollar basis.

How to make a donation?

You can get in touch with your intention to donate with the Program Secretary and you will be guided through the process of making a donation into the account of Tongsa Penlop Inspire Program.

Drukair will also provide you with written confirmation detailing the amount you have donated.

What else you should know?

  • Drukair will also accept donations in kind to support the program.
  • The beneficiaries (students and, or teachers) will be selected jointly by the Gyalpoi Zimpon Kidu Office and Ministry of Education, Royal Government of Bhutan.
  • You can find details of the program as planned for each year on our website
  • Drukair pledges to manage and safeguard the generous contributions from our business partners in a fair and transparent way. Consolidated Financial statements of each year ended will also be available on our website.

For further details please contact the Program Secretary

Phone: +975 08 272 604
